SILcal is a tool for the execution of the risk evaluation analysis (FMEA) and reliability prediction (FMEDA), pertaining both, to the sphere of quality and of that of functional safety. The simple graphic interface increases the usability of the tool also for large dimensions and, thanks to the automated VDA-AIAG FMEA report generation, formal conformity will be guaranteed.
SILcal streamlines the FMEDA analyses, especially for products with functional safety requirements (ISO 26262, IEC 61508…), offering multiple failure model databases with failure mode, failure distribution and failure rate characterization of the electronic components to be analysed. Components reliability profile, according to the most common industrial standards for reliability prediction (SN 29500; exida mechanical, electronic e IP hardware) reconsidered and integrated by the senior functional safety experts of exida, may immediately be added to the analysis, by means of a simple drag-and-drop action.
An additional support is provided by the tool in terms of automatic temperature scaling of the failure rate (at present available only for SN 29500 components), the possibility to create new components or modify the existing ones, to create proprietary libraries, integrate analyses elements for depending failures (DFA). In SILcal methodology, FMEDA is implemented as a natural continuation of FMEA analysis, thus allowing functional traceability from the highest-level requirement to the single electronic component and favoring the reusability of FMEA in an FMEDA context and the consistency between both analyses.